openstack swift api programming create and viewing container

OpenStackSwiftisadistributedobjectstoragesystemdesignedtoscalefromasinglemachinetothousandsofservers.,Youcreate,modify,andgetobjectsandmetadatabyusingtheObjectStorageAPI,whichisimplementedasasetofRepresentationalState ...,SwiftAPIDefinition.Goal:...。參考影片的文章的如下:


OpenStack Storage (Swift). Mirror of code maintained at

OpenStack Swift is a distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers.

Object Storage API overview — Swift 2.35.0.dev207 documentation

You create, modify, and get objects and metadata by using the Object Storage API, which is implemented as a set of Representational State ...


Swift API Definition. Goal: To define the v1.0 API spec for Swift. Reasons for defining a formal Swift API spec include.

Use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service with ...

OCI Object Storage provides API compatibility with the OpenStack Swift API and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) through Amazon S3 Compatibility API.


Swift provides a simple, REST-based API fully documented at Swift was originally developed as the basis for ...

Object Storage API — swift documentation

Creates, updates, shows, and deletes container metadata. For more information and concepts about containers see Object Storage API overview. GET. List activated capabilities · Delete the specified account · Delete container

OpenStack Swift API support in StorageGRID

StorageGRID supports the following specific versions of Swift and HTTP. Item, Version. Swift specification. OpenStack Swift Object Storage API ...

Welcome to Swift's documentation!

Swift is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store. Organizations can use Swift to store lots of data efficiently, safely, and ... Contributing to OpenStack Swift · First Contribution to Swift · Swift Ops Runb

Getting started with the Swift API - Object Storage

This guide will help you get started with the OpenStack API in order to manage your object containers using the python-swiftclient.


OpenStackSwiftisadistributedobjectstoragesystemdesignedtoscalefromasinglemachinetothousandsofservers.,Youcreate,modify,andgetobjectsandmetadatabyusingtheObjectStorageAPI,whichisimplementedasasetofRepresentationalState ...,SwiftAPIDefinition.Goal:Todefinethev1.0APIspecforSwift.ReasonsfordefiningaformalSwiftAPIspecinclude.,OCIObjectStorageprovidesAPIcompatibilitywiththeOpenStackSwiftAPIandAmazon...